Posted on February 26th, 2010
Organisations involved
- Be Birmingham (the strategic partnership for Birmingham)
- Birmingham City Council
The themes covered are:
- Measure the extent to which public sector budgets contribute to the partnership priority outcomes as set out in the sustainable community strategy (SCS) and local area agreement (LAA)
- Design and deliver new approaches to service delivery
- Develop new collaborative ways of working across and between organisations
Aspiration for the Total Place work
Total Place is about three things:
1. Efficiency savings
2. Putting citizens at the heart of better service delivery
3. Collaborative working
The Birmingham pilot involves:
- Stage 2 financial analysis
- A package of leadership training which will include cross agency engagement to develop a new culture of collaborative working
- Six joint commissioning projects on 6 projects:
- to design and deliver new services for people with learning disabilities
- to design and deliver services for people with mental health needs
- preventative approaches to tackling drug and alcohol abuse
- preventative approaches to tackling guns and gangs
- improve outcomes for young people leaving care
- Undertake a total community demonstrator project
What is Birmingham currently doing?
The objectives of the pilot are to measure the extent to which public sector budgets contribute to partnership priority outcomes as set out in the SCS and LAA that will:
- Provide greater understanding and analysis of city-wide resources
- Identify the extent to which tax revenue could contribute to better outcomes
- Identify barriers to having more flexible budgets (including pooling)
- Calculate the relative cost savings of preventative measures
Design and deliver new approaches to service delivery that will
- Identify real efficiencies, cost savings and service improvements
- Demonstrate how these approaches can produce better outcomes for citizens
- Embed joined-up working across agencies and demonstrate changes in organisational culture , individual behaviour, and how / what culture change has happened
- Identify barriers to new approaches both local and government level
Develop new collaborative ways of working across and between organisations that will
- Increase multi agency working across organisations
- Strengthen partnership competencies and behaviours
- Empower staff and encourage innovative and imaginative approaches
- Get broad buy in to partnership priority outcomes
- Engender different way of thinking , behaving and acting
A detailed project delivery plan is available.
Specific milestones and outcomes are being prepared.
Birmingham’s final report is now available on the BeBirmingham website.
Michelle Carr, media enquiries
telephone: 0121 675 7819
Jackie Mould, Director Be Birmingham (LSP)
telephone : 0121 675 3499
Jason Lowther Director of Policy & Delivery Birmingham City Council.
telephone: 0121 303 4960
Category: pilot