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Posted on December 1st, 2009
West Midlands parallel places
The IDeA is leading on connecting the Total Place pilots with other Total Place-like work being carried out across the country. They have collated information from across these ‘parallel places’.
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Herefordshire Council and NHS Herefordshire are developing a comprehensive joint customer strategy with five objectives:
- Getting a much more complete, rounded view of the needs and wishes of individual customers and groups that’s shared by partners
- In particular, understanding the needs and wishes of individual localities
- Using that understanding to prioritise and commission flexible, cost-effective services that will meet those needs
- Empowering and supporting communities and individuals to take the maximum possible responsibility for their own health and well-being
- Ensuring that all public sector expenditure and assets are directed to the achievement of these ends and provide excellent value for money
Herefordshire are supported by funding from CLG and WM RIEP around developing fresh approaches to customer insight. Demographics of the county and aging population mean delivery of cost-effective services to secure good outcomes for customers are profound and challenging. Herefordshire Council and the Primary Care Trust was established in December 2007 as Herefordshire Public Services with a single Chief Executive and joint management team. A joint Council and PCT Corporate Plan is being finalised which sets out the principal means by which their Total Place themes will be delivered.
Identifiable aggregate revenue spending in 2008-09 in the county by the main public sector partners (for which figures have so far been obtained) is estimated to have been of the order of £560m. This equates to £3,123 per head of population. Some £510mof this was spent by the Council and PCT, with total spending on health and social care amounting to about £334m. Present partnership funding arrangements include Section 75 arrangements between the Council and PCT involving budgets of some £46m for a wide range of health and social care services. Delivery is mainly by means of joint community-based teams. There is wider partnership funding using Area Based Grant (revenue -current year £9.5m) and LPSA Reward Grant (capital – up to £1.5m).
CLG is providing funding towards the multi-agency Signposting Scheme. With significantly enhanced customer insight, this will enable earlier action to be taken with potentially at-risk older people, so helping to maintain their independence and reduce future burdens on specialised health and social care services.
‘Reaching the Hearts of Herefordshire’ is a trail-blazing Total Place initiative led by local councillors. It is intended to empower them and the communities they represent to understand and articulate local needs and propose how they can best be met. Counting spend is a key part of the Total Place approach. This project is looking at spending in the localities across sectors and has started this with the Kington area (one of four pilot areas part of this project). Partners and parish councils have been key to this work.
The work is funded by CLG through the 21st Century Councillor pilot scheme and also the Improvement & Efficiency Partnership in the West Midlands. The initial phase of work will be completed by the end of October 2009 when learning from the four pilot wards will be taken to politicians, partners and communities in each place within Herefordshire, and together at a more central level, to understand what it is that might change and how this will impact on local service delivery and efficiency. This will be phase two and will be completed by January 2010.
A comprehensive review of shared services across the Council, PCT and the Herefordshire Hospitals Trust to provide a fully integrated back-office. This is expected to yield recurrent savings of over £3.5m a year, as well as improving the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes.
An audit of public sector assets and their use: to provide a basis for dialogue with partners that will identify opportunities for co-location and shared use of premises, the joint Council and PCT Strategic Asset Management team is undertaking a GIS mapping exercise of all publicly-owned assets in the county.
Proposing to best price for viagra look at spend by partner organisations in addition to LA spend, though they have looked in vain for models outside the pilot area. They are already doing work around systems thinking and alcohol misuse, which they see as close to the total place concept, and they will look more broadly at remodelling services based on customer need. This work is supported by the RIEP’s Learning to Deliver work strand.
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