Total Place

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Posted on December 1st, 2009

South West parallel places

The IDeA is leading on connecting the Total Place pilots with other Total Place-like work being carried out across the country.  They have collated information from across these ‘parallel places’.

If you have something to add about taking place in your area, leave us a comment below, or join the Total Place Community of Practice, where this information is available as a wiki.

The South West Regional Improvement and Efficiency Partnership decided to provide £1.75 million funding for Total Place activity in the region.  This has been allocated as follows: Cornwall £250k, Devon including Plymouth and Torbay £250k; Somerset £250k; Gloucestershire £250k; West of England £500k; Swindon and Wiltshire £250k.  Local authorities are talking with partners and developing ideas.


Contact: Helen Ball, Service Director, Bristol City Council, 0117 922 2894,

During summer 2009, the Bristol Partnership undertook a high-level assessment of public service (council, police, health and fire) resources supporting the delivery of its priorities at £1,595.2m. Within this £805m is spent on health and well-being delivery. This is not a full Total Place assessment, but is a starting point for future more detailed work in identified themes.

The Bristol Partnership, with its public service partners, has a good track record of consulting and engaging the public: e.g. through an annual State of the City Conference, the Citizens’ Panel, Quality of Life Survey, innovative use of  Digital City.  This work is being strengthened by the development of fourteen Neighbourhood Partnerships across the city.  Engagement with young people is a particular strength.

The SW RIEP is giving £125,000 funding for PP work (£500k allocated for Total Place activity across the whole region).

Bristol has been undertaking major review work within the health and social care world for the past five years.   During this financial year large overspends are already appearing.  This is a systemic rather than a one-off problem. Significant work is going on between the council and NHS Bristol to analyse what is driving this, including looking at the interface between organisations (e.g. hospitals/ care packages) and the unintended consequences of discreet decision making within individual organisations.

Think Family: A multi-agency project team to take this work forward is already established.  The scope is to:

It is expected that there may be some short term immediate gains to be made, however our focus is on the bigger scale, more fundamental improvements that are achievable.


RIEP funded £250,000 allocated

Devon / Torbay / Plymouth

The SW RIEP has allocated £250,000 to the Torbay, Plymouth and Devon sub-region and the three local strategic partnerships have agreed to collaborate on a Total Place programme which focuses on families and people with complex needs.

To explore new ways of addressing poverty and deprivation in our sub-region.

We wish to test the hypothesis, through our three projects, that a focus on prevention, early intervention and greater co-ordination will not only improve life opportunities, for those with the most complex needs and dependencies, but also deliver this in a more cost efficient way.

Our objectives are to:


Project 1: Multi-agency intervention for healthier and safer home lives for children and families (Lead LSP: Torbay)
Project 2: Integrated offender management (Lead LSP: Plymouth)
Project 3: Improving pathways to economic inclusion (Lead LSP: Devon)

A high level analysis of public expenditure reveals that £9.2billion is spent annually in the sub-region of which £4.0billion is spent by locally based organisations. The top three spending categories are:

1.         Social protection – viagra 25mg 37.4%
2.         Health – 21.8%
3.         Education – 14.3%

The programme has established accountancy and intelligence/analysis sub-groups which will undertake further analyses and scenario modelling.

Further information:
Torbay: Sue Lewis (
Plymouth: Jon Stephens (
Devon: Sue Rook ( or Roland Pyle (


RIEP funded – £250,000 allocated


RIEP funded – £250,000 allocated


RIEP funded – £250,000 allocated

Category: others