Posted on February 1st, 2010
Learning update 3
Following on from our last update on ‘Changing conversations to change value’, the theme of this month’s learning update is ‘Leadership that changes thinking’.
In this edition, we offer four pieces that start to address the practice of leadership and its impact on change:
- Karen Ellis challenges us to apply our own experiences of learning and change as we consider what is needed of leaders in Total Place.
- David Bolger asks ‘Why don’t we do what we know how to do? And why do we do things we know don’t work?’…and offers a few reasons of his own.
- Adrian Smith talks about ‘Leadership of place’ and the paradigm shift from leader to pioneer.
- Helen Bailey talks about ‘Leading for change in Whitehall’ and the challenges Whitehall faces in developing more effective collaboration with leaders in places.
Download the full learning update here. 
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Category: learning