Andrew Harrison

I bring what I can to any setting in which I work, in the space between me and the client system which I have been invited to join. I love the inter-disciplinary and disruptive, having found that it is through shared experience that we can learn. I am a practicing sculptor and finds that the interplay between form, inner space and outer surface is as much a key to transformation in bronze as it is in public service, where we need ‘studio’ spaces in which to re-imagine our responses to the messy, tacit and complex world in which we live and work.
Systems’ dynamics – as a strategic partner of Tavistock Consulting, I am a specialist in systems’ leadership and design. I make use of psychodynamic theories and practice to help managers and leaders understand (and use) the drivers in their organisations. This is no less significant when innovating than in any other field. I lead on their partnership to support whole life commissioning in NHS services. In this capacity, I have led a 3 year programme of service system improvement with 9 Foundations Trusts.
Re-valuation – in partnership with NHSiQ and AD Research & Analysis, I have developed expertise and methods in socialising value into complex systems. In use with social movements in health, physical activity, conservation, and platforms enterprises. I am providing specialist support to system leaders in understanding & measuring the value of what they do. Revaluation is in use in health, social care, children’s services, natural environment, community sport, and the arts.
Innovation activity – for years, I have been leading whole systems innovation activity, using tools liked innovation camps, photo matrices, visualisation, future base and theatre techniques. I have recently begun to incorporate film and photography into such work.
Entrepreneurship & universities – as an expert adviser to the OECD, I led five of their search conferences on Universities Skills and Entrepreneurship using Innovation Camp techniques. I was a member of their international peer review of Tunisian Universities and their enterprise education policies and practice.
Enterprise education – I have had a lifelong professional involvement in enterprise education – of various forms. This work included support to the creation of 3000+ businesses. I was expert adviser to the EU in April 2011, in their Budapest Summit on the future European system for the training of teachers in enterprise.