
Supporting Sustainability & Transformation Partnerships

Feb 16, 2016

In December 2015, the NHS announced the development of Sustainability & Transformation Partnerships (STPs) which are intended to be a local blueprint for delivering the ambitions NHS bodies have for a transformed health service, as set out in the Five Year Forward View. They are being developed in conjunction with devolution proposals, as the centrepiece of future planning for health services, coupling the NHS with local government, social care, housing and a range of other sectors.

There are 44 STP “footprints” in England, aimed at bringing together local health and care leaders, and organisations across a local geographical area. The plans are being designed around the needs of each local population, to stimulate further collaborative leadership focused on making local health services sustainable.

The Leadership Centre has enhanced its support for STP areas by building on existing relationships, especially with Academic Health Science Networks, local government, public health and other partners, providing one off sessions to unstick thinking or more long term place-based support. The Leadership Centre, in collaboration with the Systems Leadership Alliance, has put together an offer of support to the STPs, which is focused on supporting real work and making progress on real change. You can view the Systems Leadership Alliance’s support offer to the STPs here.

If you feel that you may benefit from the Leadership Centre’s tailored and bespoke development support we’d like to hear from you, so please get in touch.


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