Are you wrestling with a big, systemic problem in your place? Is collaborative working easier said than done? We can work alongside you, helping you to develop the type of leadership which allows you to work more effectively in your locality and thrive in complexity. We have a distinctive, bespoke approach which takes into consideration the identity of each place we work within.
Our skill lies in our ability to notice and make sense of what is happening in your system, with you, fusing it with the application of knowledge, experience and resources in a way which is resonant with your place. We design and deliver support that equips leaders with the tools, skills, knowledge and behaviours to tackle place-based social, economic and environmental challenges collaboratively.
We also believe that politics is at the heart of place-based work. Politics is what connects the public sector to its communities, and it is often viewed as the lifeblood of local government. Today politicians are expected to play a key role in shaping the place where citizens live and work.
If you are a local politician, the Leadership Centre offers a range of opportunities designed to support you at each stage of your political life – helping you to operate strategically whilst remaining inspired by your local roots. We can help you develop the skills to work through great complexity to deliver truly transformative change in your place.

Inspiring Creativity in Public Health
In 2022, the Leadership Centre began working with Richmond and Wandsworth Councils’ Public Health Division on a developmental journey aimed to maximise their impact and effectiveness as a team operating within an ever-changing context and build up resilience following the significant COVID-19 pandemic effort. The work resulted in an innovative and bold approach to team development, co-designed with the team and centred on the issues arising for them in their place.
Collaboration Creating Movement
The Leadership Centre was asked to work with Southall, a place with some of the highest levels of physically inactive residents experiencing preventable health conditions in the country. We designed and delivered a bespoke suite of catalytic leadership and change support for public service and community leaders, supporting the development of a movement where residents and public services leaders listened to each other and designed an approach to getting themselves and many others physically active and healthier.