LEADERSHIP CENTRE2025 Leaders Programme Update
In November a delegation of senior leaders drawn from across the NHS and its arms-length bodies travelled to Denmark for an exploration of the Danish Health System as part of the Leadership Centre’s 2025 Leaders Programme.
The excursion combined a series of visits to a range of health settings to witness first-hand the use of cutting edge technology and innovation, conversations with leaders and politicians about the challenges that they face as a country and a health system, and their approaches to tackling those issues.
Participants explored the differences and similarities with the NHS and the role politics and politicians play in Health and Social Care, and considered the impact of key drivers for the future health care system.
The cohort left bubbling with new ideas, and collaborations emerging between them. We’ll share updates in early 2020.
If you would like to know more about the 2025 Leaders programme, or are interested in creating something similar locally or nationally, do get in touch.