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Katharine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers
The MBTI approach is based around the ideas of Jungian Philosophy; that is that
everyone has a preferred way of perceiving and judging the world that affects
their every thought and action. The MBTI test determines a person’s preferred
response across four separate areas. Their four preferences are four separate
parts that when put together form their whole type. There are sixteen possible
personality types.
How does a person prefer to focus their energy? (Jung-Attitude)
Extrovert (E): Do they prefer to spend time in the outside world?
Intovert (I): Or do they prefer to be alone in their internal world?
How they prefer to take in information? (Jung-Perception)
Sensing (S): Do they prefer to just take information in as it is?
Intuition (N): Or do they prefer to give that information meaning?
How they prefer to make decisions? (Jung-Judging)
Thinking (T): Do they prefer to make decisions through logic?
Feeling (F): Or do they prefer to make decisions based on people, feelings,
How they prefer to function? (Jung-Structure)
Judging (J): Do they prefer to make decisions that are final?
Perceiving (P): Or do they have an open mind to changing them?
Further Resources have produced the video above to explain the MBTI assessment and framework.