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Alakeson, Bunnin and Miller
Co-production is used as a way of understanding how outcomes can’t be
achieved without involving service users. Alakeson et al. explain that co-
production should be a combination of the ‘learned’ expertise of the professional
and the ‘lived’ experience of the user.
Social Capital
The user of a service knows what they want, how they want it and what will
work for them. They have influence and so do their families and wider
Accepting Responsibility
The responsibility for outcomes needs to be passed onto service users. They
need to become active participants in their own outcomes rather than passive
Transformative Co-production
Transformative co-production puts users and providers on an equal foong,
giving shared responsibility for what is delivered and how.
Further Resources
Alakeson, Bunnin and Miller speak about this approach in their paper “Coproduction of health and wellbeing outcomes: The new paradigm for effective health and social care“, released by OPM, you can download the paper below.