ARTICLE LIBRARY 3 Levels of Organisational Culture Approaches to develop environments, skills and practices for generative learning and learning culture 5 Capacities of High Performance Teams A way of considering the basic levels of human motivation Action Learning A way of exploring the nature of human relationships and how they can contribute to the spread of change Adaptive Leadership A way of understanding how to influence the choices that people make Adoption Curves A model based on the idea that everyone has a group of principles that guide their every action and thought Appreciation Process A tool for understanding the nature of problems and for designing interventions Basic Assumption Groups Ways to understand how we learn, different learning preferences and how these can be valuable Building Capital A collection of theories that help our understanding of how to support cultural change Change and Culture Complexity A way of understanding the stages that people must go through to make effective change happen Change Curve A way of understanding the different values that people hold and how people relate to each other Co-production – The Egg Model A suite of approaches and leadership practices designed to mobilise people towards a common purpose Coaching Conversations A way of understanding how people explain and understand their actions Communication Circles A way to understand the nature and importance of networks Communities of Practice An epidemiological approach to understanding how change happens Community A way of considering the building blocks that must come together to form strong and cohesive places Complexity A way of collectively enquiring into how we can be effective in our roles Critical, Tame and Wicked Problems A way of looking at how communities function based in the belief that change has to happen from within Cross-Functional teams and X-Teams A way of indicating people’s preferences for how they take in information and make decisions Cultural Dynamics Values Space Ways of creating teams from across hierarchies and departments to bring different skills and understanding Cultural Theory and Clumsy Solutions A way of identifying types of problems and the responses appropriate to take effective action Cultural Web A way of surfacing how problems are affected by issues in the wider world and how this effects change Dialogue A framework that suggests ways to work in complex strategy environments Ecology of Mind Explores the effects of symbols, stated values and underlying assumptions and beliefs that inform behaviour Employee Engagement A way of understanding how the way in which people think is influenced by simple rules of thumb (heuristics) Ethnography A model for engaging users in changing organisations and services Evolutionary Biology A framework to explain the key things a high performing team does and how these can raise performance Four Orders and Constellations A collection of approaches and models for coaching people and teams to understand their role and influence and build strategies for improving them Framing/Reframing A strengths based approach to creating individual change that brings a positive intent to our work in systems Future Search Evidence based models that show relationships between investment in people and organisational performance Gestalt Theory of Change A way of looking at systems through their connections and the nature of relationships Johari Window An approach to help understand the ways systems respond to change based on the theory that human systems are living systems Learning Cycles and Learning Styles The process of altering language and associations so as to change perceptions and responses Learning History A model of coaching that aims to create “shifts” in the ways of thinking, feeling and behaving. Learning Organisations A way of understanding the ways in which social organisations work Lectures Lewin’s Force Field Analysis A leadership practice that helps us develop powerful stories to motivate others to join us in action Lewin’s Model of Change A way of understanding how employee engagement improves organisational performance Living Systems A way of developing a structure, skills and culture for peer learning and action around real life issues Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs A way of speaking together that creates different ways of listening and of being heard MBTI Myers Briggs Type Indicator A way to understand how people and groups learn about self and each other Mindfulness Hints and tips on improving these everyday organisational activities Multiple Cause Diagrams A way of considering responses to events so that we can learn in ways that avoid replicating past mistakes Neuro-Science – system 1 and system 2 A way of bringing together groups from diverse, conflicting backgrounds to work together on common issues nominal group technique A way of understanding how the human brain does what it does and therefore how we pay attention to the world Nudge Theory An approach that is based on the needs that must be considered in developing citizen services and outcomes Open Space An approach to managing difficult conversations that is based on meditation Open Strategy – PRUB A tool that maps the stakeholders in the system to help understand the ways in which influence is exerted Owl, Fox, Donkey, Sheep A practice of learning to act with awareness of all that is happening in the world Positive Psychology A way of recognising and surfacing the unconscious dynamics in a system and using them to restore balance Power Mapping A way to help organisations understand the balance between ‘public value’, resources and what must be done Presentations A model that helps people design organisations by highlighting the real underlying dynamics beneath their structure Process Consultation A group process for open problem identification, solution generation and decision-making Public Narrative A group process for meetings for complex issues that allows people to find ways of working together Public Value A way of understanding the ways in which people and systems respond to change Push and Pull Influencing Style A model looking at webs of interest, power and influence to understand systems Reflective Practice A way of consulting to organisations that helps them learn to help themselves Results Based Accountability A way of understanding how to move from personal and organisational focus to overcome division in society Social Movements A way of meeting together that creates space for everyone to listen and be heard Society 4.0 – from ego-system to eco-system A way of considering basic reactions in groups and how they react to anxiety Stakeholder Analysis How to understand the ways in which leaders can use ‘push’ and ‘pull’ energy and style to influence others Taxonomy of Needs A way of describing the visible manifestations of organisational culture and the core underlying paradigms The Divided Brain An approach that considers ‘the whole’ as once the whole is seen it’s possible to move towards change The Landscapes Framework A way of understanding the uncertainty and unpredictability of change in organisations The Star Model A way of thinking that focuses on outcomes as a way to develop responsibility for achieving them The Strength of Weak Ties A model to help understand how individuals respond to innovation and change The Tipping point A group problem solving and decision making tool Theories of Action A way of generalising the learning and sharing the learning of an organisation from a ‘change event’ Transactional Analysis An anthropological approach concerned with observations of people Transformational Coaching – The CLEAR model A way of understanding the different ways in which people interact with each other Understanding Networks A theory explaining the need to adapt in the face of complex challenges Understanding People and Performance A tool for seeing patterns in complex problems that enables us to decide where best to act Vital Conversations – The FAB Approach A way of understanding the political behaviour of others in organisations World Café A way of holding large group meetings that works through smaller group connections to create common meaning