We are investing in a movement-building approach where communities are empowered to develop community capacity and equip their people with the agency and power to take action. We work with local, place-based enablers and organisers to do this. This ultimately challenges the power held in different parts of the system and we believe can lead to happier, healthier and more resilient communities, staff and organisations.

Our message is clear …. only start on this track if you are deadly serious and intent on personal and collective change as an organisation. Be prepared to learn what it is really like to live in your local villages, towns and cities; to find out what matters to local people; to support as they build their leadership and management capacity to take action themselves to tackle the challenges they face; to realign and collaborate with your partners in a very different way.

Deep down we know that, try as we might, we are not touching the surface of many of society’s problems. Health equity, employment and skills, climate change and inclusive communities are visions we can but dream of. Might it be different?

Middle Leaders

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean nisl elit, fermentum sit amet lobortis sed, venenatis vel eros. Etiam sodales dictum neque, a vehicula erat porta ac. Nulla quis cursus dui, quis pharetra diam. Integer in enim ante. Nulla facilisi. Aenean venenatis, lacus non eleifend pretium, felis mauris laoreet libero, vulputate finibus est lectus non justo. Cras sit amet mauris accumsan, lacinia ligula sit amet, condimentum ex.

Sed eros velit, tincidunt nec risus sed, dignissim malesuada purus. Pellentesque tincidunt egestas mi, sit amet viverra velit eleifend tincidunt. Sed imperdiet nisl tempor eros


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean nisl elit, fermentum sit amet lobortis sed, venenatis vel eros. Etiam sodales dictum neque, a vehicula erat porta ac. Nulla quis cursus dui, quis pharetra diam. Integer in enim ante. Nulla facilisi. Aenean venenatis, lacus non eleifend pretium, felis mauris laoreet libero, vulputate finibus est lectus non justo. Cras sit amet mauris accumsan, lacinia ligula sit amet, condimentum ex.

Sed eros velit, tincidunt nec risus sed, dignissim malesuada purus. Pellentesque tincidunt egestas mi, sit amet viverra velit eleifend tincidunt. Sed imperdiet nisl tempor eros.

Work we’re doing to invest in people and places

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